North Bellingen

New seedlings at The Point, April 2009.

Bellinger River

Autumn at the Western End of Bellingen Island, May 2012.

What, us?

Future environmentalists, July 2004. Interested in becoming a member?

Regenerating Bellingen, one plant at a time

Bellingen High School, July 2002
Bellingen Urban Landcare > Ringwood Creek

Ringwood Creek News

Community Planting Morning: Ringwood Creek

PUT 23 JULY IN YOUR CALENDAR: Join BULC for a Sunday planting session and share the joy of making our community a more beautiful place ... more →
Ringwood Creek Bellingen

Working Bee – Ringwood Creek

Bellingen Urban Landcare have a working bee on Sunday 31st July, 9am to midday, at Ringwood Creek to help protect and expand this very rare and precious ... more →

Update from Ringwood Creek

As we head into winter Ringwood Creek works are progressing well. Volunteers and contractors have been weeding – Lantana, Blackberry, Privet, Senna, Morning Glory and the incorrigable ... more →
Ringwood Creek initial plantings 2004

Ringwood Creek when we started in 2004

In June 2004 we held a field day to talk with neighbours and local residents. We distributed information about the threatened Giant Barred Frog, which ... more →

Jaligirr Biodiversity Alliance Bellingen Shire Council bellingeneye