North Bellingen

New seedlings at The Point, April 2009.

Bellinger River

Autumn at the Western End of Bellingen Island, May 2012.

What, us?

Future environmentalists, July 2004. Interested in becoming a member?

Regenerating Bellingen, one plant at a time

Bellingen High School, July 2002
Bellingen Urban Landcare > News & Media > Ringwood Creek when we started in 2004

Ringwood Creek when we started in 2004

Ringwood Creek initial plantings 2004

In June 2004 we held a field day to talk with neighbours and local residents. We distributed information about the threatened Giant Barred Frog, which had been spotted in the area.

In August and September we held the first working bees at the site. Rubbish and debris from the creek was cleaned up and the first trees went in the ground under the existing canopy. Follow-up plantings of Lomandra along the edge of the path came soon after.

Here are some photos from the field day and first two working bees.

Jaligirr Biodiversity Alliance Bellingen Shire Council bellingeneye