North Bellingen

New seedlings at The Point, April 2009.

Bellinger River

Autumn at the Western End of Bellingen Island, May 2012.

What, us?

Future environmentalists, July 2004. Interested in becoming a member?

Regenerating Bellingen, one plant at a time

Bellingen High School, July 2002
Bellingen Urban Landcare > News & Media > Planting at WEBI May 5 2014

Planting at WEBI May 5 2014

An enthusiastic crew of volunteers worked with the fabulous Coffs Coast Bush Regeneration team and got hundreds more trees into the ground at WEBI on sunny autumn Sunday.

New plantings are extending the regenerated area at this site which is starting to show the fruits of our labour over the past few years.

Jaligirr Biodiversity Alliance Bellingen Shire Council bellingeneye