North Bellingen

New seedlings at The Point, April 2009.

Bellinger River

Autumn at the Western End of Bellingen Island, May 2012.

What, us?

Future environmentalists, July 2004. Interested in becoming a member?

Regenerating Bellingen, one plant at a time

Bellingen High School, July 2002

What can I do?

There are lots of ways you can get involved with Bellingen Urban Landcare…

Come to a working bee

Lots of our work is done by volunteers who spend three hours once a month on Sunday mornings. Why not join us and have some fun?

Working bees are held between 9am and 12pm (with a generous morning tea allocation).

If you would like to join our email mailing list to find out when working bees are on you can do so over on the right there  →

Work on your own backyard

Our Restoration Guide booklet is a handy resource. It lists practical things you can do and tells you which local native species to plant.
We’ve run out of printed copies, but you can still download it: Bellingen Urban Landcare Restoration Guide.

Help out on the committee

There is always room for one more! Writing media releases, accounting, preparing grants proposals, organizing exhibitions, delivering speeches…or just participating in the decision making process…are all skills that we need. The group meets once a month – meetings are very relaxed – and we always appreciate a new face.

Check out our work around Bellingen

Go for a wander around Bellingen and check out our sites (download a map of all sites here)

Sign up as a contractor

If you’re a bush regenerator or work in the field get on our Contractor’s Register

Or just get in touch

Go on, we don’t bite. Drop us a line

Jaligirr Biodiversity Alliance Bellingen Shire Council bellingeneye